Forums - What is your own BEST "TRAP" team? Show all 28 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- What is your own BEST "TRAP" team? ( Posted by viperRX on 11:06:2000 08:22 AM: DOOM/BH, SENTINEL/BH are well known as described in Traps of the Trade in But who are your 3 characters where all of them can go as point character and set up traps? Posted by bison812 on 11:06:2000 07:51 PM: spider man/capture ken/expanison sentinel/ground this team can piss alot of people off. Posted by norielX on 11:06:2000 09:39 PM: When I first started trapping, I used Sent(a)/Doom(B)/BH(B). I've since swapped Spiral for the Sentinal. People are right about her being pretty timing intense, especially the way her swords are thrown out in the Hi, mid, low, low, mid, hi pattern. I think I'm getting it down, but the Sent trap with D/BH really put the hurt with block damage. Still trying to make my traps tighter, though... Posted by Pryde on 11:10:2000 07:32 AM: I have my own trap I found by Gambit and Doom. Call out Doom and Do Cajun Strike over and over. They have to block up. Keep doing it and throw in a sweep sometimes so the rocks can hit the opponent. Very effective. Try it out. Corner trap with Cammy/Doom, SpiderMan/Doom. Keep jumping in with lp, lk, mk, mp and call out Doom over and over. even if the call assist out, Doom should hit them out. Posted by God_of_Poop on 11:10:2000 10:41 AM: I like Doom/storm/sentinel i made my own sentinel/doom trap but i wont tell it yet until its tournament tested Posted by Cybermitsu on 11:10:2000 06:57 PM: What exactly do you mean by trap. I think there are two kinds of traps: Lockdown and mindgames. For lockdown, Strider/Doom/Blackheart. Strider/Doom first for chip. Once Strider is down, Doom comes in and BH assists. For mind games Morrigan/SS/Doom. SS/Doom is for chip. Morrigan is where my mind game begins. Air dash over them. They run after me. But before I air dash, I call out SS and his projectile assist. They eat a shuriken and a Soul Eraser or air combo. Posted by Joe Darque on 11:11:2000 02:13 AM: i have a Strider/Silver Samurai trap.first call SS to do his shuriken asist and have Strider run behind it.if youre opponent blocks the shurikens then just do a d/f HK with Strider but you have to do it pretty far away(from the other side of the screen but just about 2 steps away.if you do it too close Strider will slide all the way to the other side.)after you connect tap LK then do the orboros. while they are being hit with the orboros do a short combo then do a team is Strider/SS/Akuma and they do mad damage in this combo trap.(note that this trap works with any projectile attack.) Blue Mary vs. Cammy Posted by shadowcharlie on 11:11:2000 10:41 PM: sentinel cable blackheart too easy Posted by God_of_Poop on 11:12:2000 12:41 AM: My SEntinel/Doom trap does well against pixies like magneto Posted by nemesis on 11:13:2000 08:43 AM: i think spiral/doom/black heart... Posted by iMPULSZE on 11:13:2000 09:08 AM: spiral(ground), strider(variety), doom(antiair) spiral builds the super meter, while she techs and uses doom assist to tech. then trap in the corner lp,,lk,fp(wait for 4 hits), doom assist, jump in air call swords, qcf+lk, callswords before u touch ground, repeat Posted by iMPULSZE on 11:13:2000 09:27 AM: at max level... spiral calls level 3 super qcb+pp, then grabs, at 22 hits, dhc to strider oroboruos, keep dashing and doing his normal ground combo, then before the bar ends, spiral ground assist, then dash, lp, lk, lp, popup, aircombo to upwarddash... its like 70 hits.... max level doom point, strider, spiral doom air photon super, dhc to striders oroboruos, dash and do normal ground combo, before bar ends, thc Posted by viperRX on 11:13:2000 09:04 PM: Seems like most ppl use Spiral/BH/Doom/Sentinel, but Pryde has Cammy/Doom, and Spidy/Doom, I would like to try if these corner juggle works. I am not sure if a lot of practices will make no gap between the doom rocks and cammy's lp,lk... I am currently practicing doom/bh, i know there's two versions of traps in this team, but the one with Doom's jumping fierce and BH's AAA cannot be used against Cammy (I tried) because Cammy can always dash under my Doom's laser. Also Ryu, Ken, and Akuma, can superjump forward before BH's AAA comes out and they will do hurricane kick (which will go forward faster) and this can avoid both BH's AAA and Doom's laser. Can anyone think of a better way of doing this? Can anyone explain fully how Strider/Doom trap works. I have tried on my DC but still cannot build up enough levels for OUTBOROS (QCF+PP). The version I know for Strider/Doom is to call Doom's assist (rocks), then Strider teleport back of the opponent and keep attacking with normal moves. Once Doom's rocks are finished, Strider have to execute outboros and keep crossover until it's used up. Then call Doom's rocks again. The fact is that I only save up to 70% of one level and Strider's outboros and Doom's rocks are used up at the same time, I cannot perform another super. The opponent just jumped away and escaped. iMPULSZE : I think your spiral/doom trap is pretty nasty, I will try that one!!!!!! Posted by Joe Darque on 11:13:2000 09:50 PM: ive seen syberninja pull off the strider doom trap numberous times to the point where it makes me sick.(sorry to put you out there ninja)he always uses HK just after the teleport to gain more level points and he always taps LP during the orboros.all i can say is try to get as many hits in before,during,and after the orboros.then call out doom while doing the last combo. i have another trap with Jill/BH. just throw out crows and dogs and zombies and occasionally throw in BH's AAA to keep them where you want them. ocasionally charge up her HP shoulder charge while throwing out projectiles and using BH's AAA.if they get too close i use Rouge's thrwo asist the drain off energy and to throw them right to me to hit them with the charged up shoulder charge then use her rocket launcher to send them back to the corner and restart the combo. Posted by iMPULSZE on 11:14:2000 11:24 AM: thanks for the compliment on my spiral/doom. about strider/doom-- there are many variations on this... here are the steps for the basics meter to at least level 2 2.jumpin with fk, dash, ground combo... not use popup or in ground combo doom assist at 2nd to last hit of ground combo 5.practice timing this, start ground combo again, but at the end throw bird QCF+FK soon as the bird motion is over, do OROBORUOS 7.once you started OROBORUOS, keep pressing lp to throw discs, use normal jump to keep opponent pinned on the ground 8.keep dashing while doing #7 ground combo again(this builds super) the last second of OROBORUOS, call doom assist 11.this is where you have the choice to either teleport to the backside, orstay on the same side and continue another shortground combo 12.when doom assist is out, and yer OROBORUOS is just ending, strider cant call the OROBORUOS again for a short period of time 13.throw 2 kites QCF+LK, then a bird QCF+FK, 14.repeat #6-14 Posted by iMPULSZE on 11:14:2000 11:39 AM: amingo/doom- in the corner, call doom assist... when rocks are ending, jumpin with FK, s.LP, s.LK, s.LP, jump straight up FK, s.LP, call doom assist, release small amingos, start combo trap over servbot(expansion)/doom- have super of at least 2-3... jumpin with LK, then LK before you touch the ground, dash, do normal ground combo, call doom...jumpin with FK, s.LP, c.LK, wall of bots super QCF+pp, jumpin FK.... start over thanos/sentinel(ground)- bubble QCF+K, dash, call assist, LP, LK, LP, bubble(the mini-sentinels should be hitting), 1.start bubble infinite(bubble, dash,, bubble) 2.dash, LP, LK, LP, power super QCF+PP, soul super QCB+KK, DHC to sentinel QCF+KK Posted by Dasrik on 11:14:2000 12:00 PM: My current "trap" team is Doom/Blackheart/Sentinel (or Sentinel/Blackeart/Doom, depending on my opponent). I get some powerful traps with Doom/BH and Sentinel/BH with this team, plus my Blackheart/Doom trap isn't too shabby either. (This trap is pretty nasty, and beats pixies nearly for free). Blackheart's in the middle because if I need to bring him in quick, I can DHC Armageddon from Doom's air photon/Sentinel's air super. The problem with this team is a lack of good anti-air, which is bad when I'm fighting certain opponents (Blackheart, Iron Man/War Machine). In those cases I switch to Sentinel/Doom/Ken (Ken's assist is great for anti-air). Posted by viperRX on 11:14:2000 07:34 PM: Thx for all the posts, guys! Dasrik also have a team with 3 "TRAP-able"point characters, nasty! By the way, I usually get most wins when I use trap teams such as "spiral/bh/sentinel" or "megaman/doom/juggernaut", BUT I can't stay long if I use my other team "magneto/storm/sentinel", which is basically keep call sentinel ground assist, and magneto/storm air dashing down to pressure opponent. (this team is beaten easily by lots of AAA) oh yeah, I got this trap team from my friend. He's the one who taught me "megaman/doom/juggernaut". Hold it~~~! Some of you may not consider this as a trap team because basically megaman has to be the point character, HE CANNOT DIE!!! okie, it's here, 1. choose megaman(balance), choose doom(variety), choose Juggy(dash, of course) 2. game started, megaman jump back and hit HP 3. when he touches the ground, do QCF+LK (rockball helper) 4. megaman got the capsule 5. QCF+LP, low LK (kick ball) 6. jump and throw HP, call Doom's photon 7. land, QCF+LP, kick the ball 8. jump and throw HP, call Doom's photon 9. land, QCF+LP, kick the ball okie, some explanation is needed. For Step #2, don't always start with megaman. I mean sometimes, start with Juggernaut and pretends to do the headcrush in the start (so they keep blocking), but you do powerup glitch instead (switch back to megaman). For Step #6, when to release the HP? At start or end of Jump? The answer is up to you, always check the opponent's position, practice makes perfect. NOTE: call doom photon at the time when the opponent just go out of block stun from megaman's HP. For Step #7, after you make the rockball, you don't always have to kick it right the way (although I usually do), you can wait or shoot another jumping HP first. repeat... Posted by viperRX on 11:14:2000 07:50 PM: sorry for double post, MORE traps explanation following, (cont'd) so above is the defense, or keep-away style. Buy you can also have an offense style, you can do it in many ways, by using Juggernaut assist. What I do most is, cross over with megaman and call Juggy before I touch the ground. The second thing I do is get close with megaman, and just do crouching LK,MK,HK (slide), Juggernaut assist. Sometimes, if your opponent haven't seen this team before, or he is a bit impatience, he will try to hit your megaman after his HK, before the slide seems to have a long recovery time and stuff like that. But they haven't think of juggernaut is dashing at them. But anyways, you will think of some more better ideas. For Doom as a point character, I haven't think of any good idea yet. Still, I would jump and HP (laser) and call Juggy sometimes. THen I will superjump and land some photon array on them, or super photon. Or if they don't a AAA left, Doom will keep flying and keep doing HK(dive kick), air dash, D+HK(dive kick also), call Juggy sometimes. For juggernaut as a point character, my version is to call Doom assist, then superjump right the way to the opponent. The photon array will keep the opponent from superjumping, and I will try my best to save super and HEADCRUSH some off-guard opponents (e.g. they dash back, they call helper,...) okie, I think you gotta practice this on your DC, computer is the best opponent to practice with. (usually if you play keep-away, it will time over) By the time you finish practising this team, you will have a screen full of megabusters, photons, balls, ... Joe Darque's Jill/BH's trap is nice!!! but be careful of cable's ahvb and ryu's shinkuu hadouken! iMPULSZE, I can't even imagine how fun to trap others with AMINGO!!!! AH--MING---GOOOLD!!!!!!! Posted by MAGUS1234 on 11:15:2000 05:26 AM: magneto sentinal trap- this is like a semi trap mag as pointman sent on ground asist call sent drones jump in with hk(as mag) drones hit mag-cLk x2 jump and repeat ,also through in crossups to confuse the cool thing is if at any time the jHK or drones hit you have plenty of time to execute his mag tempest combo another trap i saw on b4 that works hella well use iron man and sent with ground asist, as iron man, jump strait up call sentasist, smart bomb land with a holding down+ hp then land lp hp repeat if at any time the blows connect with ironman do cLp cLP then special its easy and links playtime has ended! [This message has been edited by MAGUS1234 (edited 11-14-2000).] Posted by dj-b13 on 12:11:2000 07:28 PM: i use cable, sentinel, and doom...every1 in that team can be the point man ^_^... Posted by mastermind on 12:12:2000 03:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by iMPULSZE: about strider/doom-- there are many variations on this... here are the steps for the basics meter to at least level 2 2.jumpin with fk, dash, ground combo... not use popup or in ground combo doom assist at 2nd to last hit of ground combo 5.practice timing this, start ground combo again, but at the end throw bird QCF+FK soon as the bird motion is over, do OROBORUOS 7.once you started OROBORUOS, keep pressing lp to throw discs, use normal jump to keep opponent pinned on the ground 8.keep dashing while doing #7 ground combo again(this builds super) the last second of OROBORUOS, call doom assist 11.this is where you have the choice to either teleport to the backside, orstay on the same side and continue another short ground combo 12.when doom assist is out, and yer OROBORUOS is just ending, strider cant call the OROBORUOS again for a short period of time 13.throw 2 kites QCF+LK, then a bird QCF+FK, 14.repeat #6-14 I've always wanted to try that but never knew how to fill in the gaps left behind by my Oroborous / Doom assist. Now I see that those damn animals are useful. Think I'll go practice that...after finals...heh. I've been using Sent Ground/BH AAA/Ken AAA(or Cable AAA) as my main trap team for tournaments and crowds. I have yet to see anyone that can capitalize on the gaps that even I can see. Now my question: Any suggestions on how to fill in any possible gaps made by this trap team (Sent Ground/BH AAA/ Ken(Cable) AAA)? So far, the only gap/loophole I can see is people that can airdash / air hurricane kick past BH's Inferno. What should I be looking for? thanks. ------------------------ I've found the difference between us: you just suck. Posted by yoke on 12:13:2000 04:19 AM: i got a cool trap. cable,Bison. they gotta be in corner. start with cable jap punch jab kick,fp 4* with Bison helper. I dont remember what its called but its the one where he throws that bomb that spreads slowly. anyway do the fp with helper and once cable is done do his burning punch. this worx pretty good if timed right because if the opponent pushes, Bisons projectile will get him and cable can dash and jump in and do it again. Also, A good cheese technique is to have cable/doom jump back fp with doom AAA helper and throw fierce punch gren above their head. then use cables viper beam or if you really wanna cheese use his AHVB. this worx well too because cables fierce punch will pin him down if opponent tries to jump. like hoy Posted by mastermind on 12:26:2000 11:27 PM: I've been working on iMPULSZE's Strider/Doom setup. And I have nothing to counter with when someone push block's my rushes with Strider. Usually Doom is in there somewhere and he ends up staying out too long and take some AHVB up the butt. So, iMPULSZE, how did you fill in the gaps you have with your trap? ------------------------ I've found the difference between us: you just suck. Posted by ShinGouki00 on 12:27:2000 07:20 AM: Try this: pick pick, Akuma expansion and ken whatever type and anyone else and u could, while using ken call out akuma for an assist (which would be zankuu kyaku)the dash in with ken and do a shin ryuken Posted by ShinGouki00 on 12:27:2000 07:21 AM: Try this: pick pick, Akuma expansion and ken whatever type and anyone else and u could, while using ken call out akuma for an assist (which would be zankuu kyaku)the dash in with ken and do a shin ryuken ShinGouki00 Posted by The Ring Masta on 12:27:2000 08:45 AM: I just started playing with traps a lil bit ago, but my trap team has to be Spiral(gamma), Doom (beta), Blackheart (beta)... This team sets up for 3 or 4 of the nastiest traps I have seen. 1) Spiral/Blackheart: Basic Swords and Shield trap. 2) Spiral/Doom: See above with extra chip damage. ***IMPORTANT*** Cross these 2 up every once in a while. 3) Doom/Blackheart: Back jumping laser with Blackheart assists everywhere. 4) Doom/Spiral (alpha): Same as above, a lil more risky, but more chip damage. ***I have a hard time with the back jumping and calling assists, any advice? 5) Blackheart/Doom: Jumping roundhouses with Doom assists filling the screen. Mad chip damage. If they assist counter it the assist will be hit and left helpless in the trap. 6) Blackheart: If you hit the opponent with a jumping roundhouse and they bounce, jump up and do another roundhouse they will bounce again and repeat... (I know its cheesy and you will probably be beaten, but if your playing traps you wanna win right?) Ive only tried this on a machine with bad controlers so I know it works if the opponent cant block right, but I dont know how well it works other wise. 7) Gambit/Iron Man or War Machine (anti air): Have Gambit do a crouching Short, crouching Forward, crouching Roundhouse string and then call out Iron Man's assist while crouching, then hit up+roundhouse to do the escape kick thing which crosses people up and is otg'able. And if it doesnt hit them then just do it over again. (I think that made sence) [This message has been edited by The Ring Masta (edited 12-26-2000).] Posted by cypherneo on 12:28:2000 06:41 AM: doom<beta>bh<beta>cyclops<anti air> All times are GMT. The time now is 12:31 AM. Show all 28 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.